Untuk Layanan Pengaduan silahkan membuka link berikut https://s.id/NGADUBOSE | Submit Your Reports (Complaints, Aspirations, and Requests for Information) Directly to the Authorized Government Agency via LAPOR.GO.ID
Bantu Kami Melayani Anda dengan Lebih Baik dengan berpartisipasi dalam SURVEI KEBUTUHAN DATA 2024. Silakan isi survey pada link berikut http://s.bps.go.id/SKD24Bantul
LanTik (Statistical Service) PST BPS Bantul Regency. WhatsApp service, for all your statistical data needs through 082170003402 number | BPS Bantul Regency succeeded in obtaining the title as an Informative qualified Public Agency with a score of 98 at the 2024 D.I Yogyakarta Public Agency Information Openness Award.
December 10, 2024 | Other Activities
World Human Rights Day 2024 carries the theme "Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now" which means "Our Rights, Our Future, Now". This theme highlights the importance of human rights education that involves young people in fighting for their rights and shaping a better future.
Human Rights Day is celebrated every 10 December to commemorate the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the UN General Assembly on 10 December 1948. This declaration is the basis of international law in protecting basic human rights such as freedom of opinion, freedom of religion and the right to life. free from discrimination and violence.
The future we want starts with action today. Let's uphold human rights for a better world!
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#CintaData #DataMencerdaskan Bangsa #ProudToServetheNation #HAMDay2024 #bpsbantul