Statmin spills this BPS statistical activity. The National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion (SNLIK) is a collaborative activity between the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in conducting a special survey. This collaboration will be held for the first time in 2024, aiming to measure the level of financial literacy and inclusion in Indonesia.
Thursday (30/1), Head of the BPS Social Team for Bantul Regency, Heru Kusharjanto accompanied the First Statistician within BPS, Rizqi Nafi' Syari'ati along with the Supervisory Team from OJK, namely Deputy Director of PUJK Behavior Supervision, Education, Consumer Protection and Strategic Management Services, Gilang Erlangga R and Vidya Atika Sari, Junior Analyst Deputy Director of PUJK Behavior Supervision, Education, Consumer Protection and Strategic Management Services, conducted Supervision of 2025 SNLIK Data Collection in Kapanewon Banguntapan and Kapanewon Imogiri.
The data generated from this survey will be used as evaluation material for the effectiveness of financial literacy and inclusion programs in Indonesia, as well as as material for planning literacy and inclusion activity programs in the following year.
@bps_statistics @bpsprovdiy
#bpsbantul #CintaData #SNLIK2025