Hi, #SedulurData!
Monday (13/1), the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Bantul Regency held a Refreshing for Producer Price Survey (PPS) Officers, Service Producer Price Survey (SPPS) and Agricultural Producer Price Survey (APPS) in 2025 in the BPS Bantul meeting room.
The opening of the Refreshing was by the Head of BPS Bantul Regency, Dedi Cahyono accompanied by Young Expert Statisticians, Ratna Kurniawati and MN Ida Budiningsih. The delivery of SHPBG material by the regional instructor, Hesti Widiastuti, and was attended by 26 participants from organic employees and BPS partners.
The Producer Price Survey aims to record changes in the prices of domestic producers of goods and services to determine price developments over time. The prices recorded in the Producer Price Survey are basic prices, namely the prices received by producers after deducting taxes and adding subsidies.
The output produced from the Producer Price Survey data collection is the Producer Price Index (PPI). What are the benefits of PPI? The benefits of PPI include as a GDP deflator, the basis for escalating development projects, early warning of price changes and as an analysis tool for entrepreneurs and researchers.
Visit our website bantulkab.bps.go.id, or social media @bpsprovdiy and @bps_statistics to obtain the latest data at the provincial and national levels.
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