National Nutrition Day, January 25 2025 carries the theme 'Choose Nutritious Food for a Healthy Family'!
Statmin shares information and BPS data, daily calorie needs based on age, daily calorie needs for children usually range between 1,000–2,000 kcal. Meanwhile, teenagers need calories as much as 2,000–2,650 kcal per day. And in adults, women need around 2,100 kcal per day, while men's daily calorie needs are around 2,500 kcal.
As we enter old age, our activities tend to decrease. As a result, the calorie needs of seniors are less than the calorie needs of adults in general.
So this year's National Nutrition Day theme reminds us that the nutritious food we consume is a long-term investment for family health. A proper diet can save families from the risk of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity, the prevalence of which is increasing in Indonesia.
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